
The climate crisis is the most urgent challenge of our time. There is no denying that we need transformative change – and business events must play an important role. As the Strategic Alliance of the National Convention Bureaux of Europe (SANCBE), we are committed to contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal, the ambitious roadmap for making the EU’s economy sustainable. We believe that Europe can and should lead the way in the transition to a low-carbon, regenerative and socially just economy.

We also recognise that in realising this ambitious goal, business events can be an immense force for good. From scientific conferences to political summits and trade fairs – meetings and gatherings of all types are essential tools for human collaboration and communication. The business events industry therefore has a unique opportunity and responsibility to contribute to the global efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Sustainability Hub for Events (SHE)

Developed by Gevme in collaboration with the Net Zero Carbon Events initiative and SANCBE, the platform is designed to simplify sustainable event planning with actionable, AI-powered insights.

SHE is available in over 20 languages and offers tools for event sustainability management, including personalized learning resources and event legacy planning. Global destinations – among them numerous SANCBE members – have played a key role in enriching the platform, providing extensive data that has enhanced its capabilities.

Net Zero Carbon Events Initiative

The “Net Zero Carbon Events” initiative (NZCE), launched in November 2021 and hosted by the Joint Meetings Industry Council, aims to connect the events industry globally to the rapidly growing movement towards net zero by 2050.

NZCE’s work includes developing common methodologies for measuring the industry’s direct, indirect and supply chain greenhouse gas emissions, constructing an industry-wide roadmap towards net zero by 2050, and establishing common mechanisms for reporting progress and sharing best practices.

Whitepaper „How can National Convention Bureaux Leverage Their Influence for Sustainability?“

SANCBE presents a whitepaper titled “How can National Convention Bureaux Leverage Their Influence for Sustainability?”. In alignment with the frameworks provided by the European Green Deal and the Net Zero Carbon Events Initiative, it showcases a collaborative action plan towards a shift to sustainable business events and the overall transition for sustainability.

In terms of global cooperation, the whitepaper does not only provide guidelines and inspiration for future strategic initiatives by the European member organisations, but for other, non-European national convention bureaux as well.


Eric Bakermans

Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions
T: +3170 3705 340


Matthias Schultze

GCB German Convention Bureau e.V.
T: +49 69 242930 14